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5 Advantages of Choosing a Tooth-Colored Filling Over an Amalgam Filling

August 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — castleberry @ 1:05 pm
Illustration of a tooth-colored filling being applied

At one point in time, metal amalgam was the material of choice for dental fillings. However, nowadays you’ll find that many dentists favor tooth-colored fillings made out of composite resin instead. Why should you choose a tooth-colored filling over an amalgam one as a restorative option? To answer that, here are 5 distinct advantages that tooth-colored fillings have to offer.


Back-to-School Tips for Teens with Invisalign

July 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — castleberry @ 4:10 pm
teen in white shirt smiling on blue background

As the new school year commences, the enthusiasm for fresh experiences encompasses different facets of your teenager’s life, encompassing their orthodontic voyage with Invisalign. Balancing the triumph of this treatment with the demands of school can present a gratifying challenge. Here are four valuable tips and suggestions to assist your adolescent in confidently maneuvering through the school year with Invisalign and optimizing their treatment journey.


Can Cosmetic Dentistry Make You Look Younger?

June 21, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — castleberry @ 4:46 pm
a smiling person

Your smile is often the first trait that people notice about you because before you can even get a word in while meeting someone new, you’ll likely let your pearly whites show as you approach them! If your teeth are impacted by dental damage, misalignment, or discoloration, your grin may not only make a not-so-great first impression, but also make you appear older than you actually are. Read on to learn how cosmetic dentistry can restore your youthful glow by erasing signs of aging reflected in your smile.


3 Reasons Why Summer is the Best Time to Get Dental Implants

May 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — castleberry @ 4:06 am
picture of a pretty sunflower

Summer is finally here, which for some people means running outside, hopping in the pool, and having barbecues every weekend. For those of us in Texas, however, it also means spending plenty of time in the A/C.

You know who has a great air conditioning system? Your local dentist! If you’re trying to escape the heat, you may want to try investing in some dental work you’ve been putting off.

For example, if you’ve been thinking about replacing a missing tooth with a dental implant, summer is the perfect time to give that a try. Here’s why.


Can You Straighten Just Your Top Teeth with Invisalign?

April 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — castleberry @ 2:26 am
a woman getting Invisalign placed on just her top teeth

The New York Post recently wrote an article regarding a survey done by OnePoll about how people feel about their teeth. They reported that a whopping 61% of Americans want to change something about their smile. What did they want to change? One of the top things reported was the crookedness of their teeth. Fortunately, Invisalign has made it possible to straighten your pearly whites discreetly, conveniently, and comfortably! But what if you just want to just fix your top teeth? Here’s what to know about only using Invisalign for one arch of teeth.


Does Tooth Sensitivity Require an Emergency Dentist?

January 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — castleberry @ 1:27 am
man with toothache and coffee

Your niece is staying with you for the weekend, and she’s been asking to get frozen yogurt since last night. It sounds good, and you end up buying your own cup of peach frozen yogurt when you take her. It only takes your first bite to wince in pain; one of your molars is killing you! Can you wait until your next day off work to go to the dentist? Keep reading to get some insight from your emergency dentist in Louetta on what constitutes a dental emergency, common causes of tooth sensitivity, and when you need to seek help.


3 of the Most Common Oral Health Problems & What You Can Do About Them

December 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — castleberry @ 8:11 pm
a mouth being examined by a dentist

Your teeth do more than just make your smile look beautiful. Without your pearly whites, it would be impossible to enjoy your favorite foods or even speak clearly. Unfortunately, there are some common health problems that not only affect your teeth, but your entire mouth. The good news is that once you are aware of them, you can be even more proactive about your oral health. Here are the three most common oral health issues and what you can do to prevent them.


5 Questions to Ask at Your Dental Implant Consultation

November 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — castleberry @ 9:15 pm
dental implant consultation in Louetta, TX

Whether you’re missing one or more teeth, it can negatively affect your overall quality of life. Fortunately, you don’t have to live with gaps in your smile forever. Dental implants can replace the entire structure of your missing teeth, from the roots up to the chewing surface. They allow you to enjoy a complete, healthy, and fully functioning bite once again! Of course, you need to make sure you’re well-informed before committing to the treatment process. Read on to learn which five questions you should ask at your dental implant consultation to help you feel confident about your smile transformation.


Need a Dental Crown? Don’t Worry About Pain

October 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — castleberry @ 2:12 am

Fingers pinching dental crownA dental crown is the single most performed restorative procedure because of its versatility. Whether used to repair a damaged tooth or to hold a bridge in place, you won’t have to undergo a painful procedure. Your dentist will keep your comfort as their priority from start to finish. Here’s what you can expect on the road ahead to calm your nerves.


3 Factors That Affect the Cost of Dentures

August 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — castleberry @ 7:52 am
Model of dentures at a dentist’s office.

Dentures are one of the most popular options for tooth replacement due to their affordability, functionality, and natural look. They’re ideal for patients missing several or all of their teeth and they offer a compromised smile a second chance to talk, eat, and laugh once more. That said, if you have missing teeth and are interested in receiving dentures, you might be wondering about their price tag. Here are three of the major factors that contribute towards the cost of dentures.

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